STEP Final Event: Helping consumers out of energy poverty one STEP at a time

Wednesday 18 May 2022 | 14:00 – 17:30
Location: Brussels (in person, Thon City Hotel: Avenue du Boulevard 17, B-1210 Brussels (BE))



13.00-14.00  Welcome lunch

14.00-14.18  Introduction: Welcoming from Monika De Volder (Energy Team Leader, BEUC), including a STEP presentation (activities and results achieved)

14.18-15.30     Panel Discussion among STEP partners
Topic: Tackling energy poverty through the STEP project
Moderator: Monika De Volder

William Baker (Citizens Advice Reading)
Stamatis Rossides (Cyprus Consumers Association – CCA)
Petra Cakovska (Slovakian Consumers Association – SOS)
Paulo Fonseca (Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection – DECO)
Baiba Miltovica (Latvian Association for Consumer Protection – LPIAA)

15.30- 15.45  Coffee break

15.45-16.00  Keynote Speech by Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson

16.00- 17.10  High Level Debate
Topic: The energy crisis and what it means for energy poverty
Moderator: Dave Keating

Elena Donnari (EG ENER, Unit B1: Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition)
Kęstutis Kupšys (European Economic and Social Committee, STEP project partner)
Natalie McCoy (CEER & ERSE)
Tomáš Koňařík (Councillor, Hostivice City Council, the Czech Republic)


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The STEP project ended in May 2022. If you would like to learn about our sister project, visit the CLEAR-X website and click here to subscribe to the CLEAR-X newsletter.

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The STEP project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 847080.