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UK STEP Partner responds to regulator’s price hike
Consumers benefit from DECO’s advice as More Sustainable Buildings Programme gets a relaunch in Portugal
Energy videos and blog posts: STEP partners find new ways to communicate
Energy Advisory Office for consumers and energy poor in Cyprus
Expanding Networks, Creating Synergies: STEP Collaboration With H2020 Projects 1
New Ombudsman Service for Energy Poverty in Slovakia
Energy Poverty on the radar in Poland
Portugal, 2021: The requests for help on energy bills are on the rise
STEP at the European Economic and Social Committee


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The STEP project ended in May 2022. If you would like to learn about our sister project, visit the CLEAR-X website and click here to subscribe to the CLEAR-X newsletter.

European Flag

The STEP project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 847080.